MERGERS & ACQUISITONSCompany sales - we cover all important steps in the acquisition process. We arrange for company sale or identify suitable alternate acquisition opportunities and then guide their implementation, including subsequent integration. We make a point of getting our senior managers and partners personally involved in each project. They examine every detail of how best to take on the process and what needs to be done to ensure a successful transaction.
M&A, LBO, MBOIn M&A we focus on identifying suitable acquisition targets, their preliminary evaluation and their compatibility with the client’s existing activities. For LBO and MBO, we advise on transaction structure and appropriate project financing, structuring the relations between acquisition SPVs and the target company. This includes modelling the transaction and auditing the overall outcome before initiating the transaction, as well as estimating the future post-acquisition arrangements and their consequences for financial stability.
COMPANY SALEWe assist clients through the complete selling process, including preparing for sale by evaluating the company’s current status and identifying ways of making it more attractive. We also produce an estimate of the company’s value and its potential selling price. We organise and implement the entire selling process, even producing the necessary marketing materials and informational documents. We then consult intensively with interested investors to bring about the optimal result.
EXIT A EXIT STRATEGIESWhen entering business transactions, we also begin to consider our clients’ future exit both in terms of leaving a particular project and ceasing business activities. At the start of a transaction, we ensure it is structured so the future exit will be as effective and legally secure as possible. To minimise limitations and maximise potential benefits, we use various SPVs when constructing exit strategies, particularly to ensure that exiting is straightforward and all potential risks are eliminated. When constructing exit strategies, we also look at options for the efficient use of the capital the exit brings the client, especially options for further active and passive investments.
POST - ACQUISITION ARRANGEMENTSIn M&A, we also focus on the post-acquisition arrangements and optimising the business structure, looking at individual projects and products and the associated risks. We design arrangements that ensure the hypothetical failure of one project or product will not threaten the whole company or group. We also ease the subsequent integration of a new acquisition into existing business activities.
BUSINESS CONSULTINGWe help companies in situations critical to growth and development by looking at their strategy, expansion and optimisation. We examine a company’s long-term focus and then prioritise its growth opportunities, international expansion, acquisitions and much more. We apply our experience from large corporations and international settings to opportunities for smaller and medium-sized companies and startups.
FINANCIAL STANDINGAnalysing business risks is an integral part of our services. We improve a company’s economic and financial standing by evaluating its performance and making recommendations for further steps. We work with our clients to ensure compliance with the regulations on accounting and reporting, including identifying potential discrepancies and proposing resolutions.
NEW PROJECTS & INVESTMENT OPPORTUNITIESWe can assess investment opportunities and projects for our clients and model their impacts on a company’s current situation. We can also assess the return on an investment in comparison with the company’s current profitability and any financial and practical risks. We will also examine the possibility of an investment failing and find ways of minimising the impact on the client’s existing activities.
ACCOUNTING & TAXATIONWe review a client’s planned transactions in terms of their impact on the accounts and tax base of the client’s company and the client. Our tax and accountancy services mainly cover implementing accounting processes and verifying their impact on the client’s financial situation. Related to this is any provisioning that gives the client advance notice of the impact of the operations implemented on the company’s financial management. For these services, we work with well-known Czech and international accounting firms.
BUSINESS POTENTIAL & VALUATIONWe can identify the business potential of a client’s company and estimate its value. This then forms the basis for future strategic decision-making, for instance, when joining forces with a suitable partner or selling the company. We also produce estimates of a company’s value, resulting in a business valuation that is in line with international practice, and can estimate a company’s value according to valuation regulations, which will allow us to predict the outcome if an official valuation by an expert witness is required.
FINANCIAL PLANA financial plan is the basis for raising finance from banks and private investors and for any expert valuation. When compiling a financial plan, we first estimate primary revenues and costs, allowing us to define the anticipated added value. Next, we estimate personnel and financial costs. We then carefully estimate all the components of working capital and assess investment intensity. We also estimate tax matters, especially the impact of income tax and VAT on cash flow. The final step is to estimate how equity and debt financing will develop over the short and long term.
CAPITAL & FINANCINGOur team’s expertise includes a broad spectrum of financing sources, from high-risk investments into startups to development capital (mezzanine financing or bond issues) and traditional bank financing. To identify optimal financing, we often begin by reviewing a company’s strategy and financial plan so that we can find the best approach for its specific situation.
EQUITY FINANCINGOn our clients’ behalf, we can also consider options for capital investments to boost a company’s equity. This includes additional investments from the present owners as well as the potential entry of new investors under satisfactory conditions. We use a range of options for equity investments, not just share capital but also allowances, share premiums and various forms of shareholder loans. Above all, we stress the need to maintain a company’s financial stability.
LONG-TERM DEBT FINANCINGCredit financing - we analyse classic long-term credit financing options for our clients. In addition, we produce the documents needed to access loans and assist in negotiations with financial institutions.
Subordinated debt - within our long-term debt financing services, we look at long-term financing via subordinated debt. This is primarily to ensure the status of the current providers of long-term debt financing stays the same. Mezzanine financing - as part of our long-term debt financing services, we analyse options for using mezzanine financing as a way of incorporating risk capital into a company’s capital structure. |
OPERATIONS FINANCINGFinancing operations is a key aspect of a company’s financial management. We analyse how working capital is financed and optimise non-cash working capital.
We examine how to optimise operation financing. This covers classic forms of operational credit as well as options for financing operations through factoring, leasing, leaseback, etc. STRUCTURED FINANCINGOur professional structured financing service is based on our extensive experience with financial engineering. We devise and deploy instruments that will reduce financial risks and ensure a company’s financial stability. For companies whose equity is relatively low compared with their assets and liabilities, even small changes can have major equity impact. Our structured financing services spread the financial risks over entire holdings and groups of companies, as well as among private owners and investors, using special financial instruments.
TURAROUND MANAGEMENTWe have extensive practical and academic experience in change management, restructuring, transformation as well as insolvency. We advise our clients from early stages of complications till how to avert crises and insolvency.
If insolvency cannot be avoided, we work to ensure that its impact on our customers’ interests is as limited as possible. We offer independent business reviews and try to find a consensus between all parties to save the business in case it is meaningful. |
TRANSFORMATIONSA company’s transformation is a way of increasing its value. We identify ways our clients can transform, focussing on options to improve efficiency and optimise costs, looking at products with the highest added value and seeking to make the company’s processes more efficient. We also assess risks and examine organisational changes a company can make to ensure a hypothetical failure of one product or project would not jeopardise the entire company.
RESTRUCTURINGRestructuring is an essential tool for maintaining a company’s value and avoiding negative developments that could lead to insolvency. In restructuring, we emphasise restoring the financial stability of value creation. We identify problem areas, the reasons behind them and measures to remedy them. In particular, we consider a company’s position on the market, its product and how competitive it is, and the company’s overall business model. In finances, we look at working capital and its financing, the overall capital structure and the costs of debt financing.
AVERTING INSOLVENCYA crisis in a company need not always end in insolvency. In many cases, adopting appropriate measures can avert insolvency. As part of our services, we analyse potential threats and identify appropriate crisis measures, helping to implement them at company level as well as negotiating with creditors if need be.
INSOLVENCYIf a company is heading for insolvency and there is no alternative to insolvency proceedings, our role is to identify options for rescue. As bankruptcy and insolvency are essentially conflictual and result in losses, we prefer to resolve matters through agreement whenever possible. We analyse the situation and seek a mutually acceptable solution. Insolvency proceedings can then proceed as smoothly and swiftly as possible, which minimises losses for all concerned. In the event of standard reorganisation, we work to find the best solution and provide support when drawing up the reorganisation plan. If insolvency ends in bankruptcy, our priority is to keep the company running so that it can be sold as a functioning whole.